getAlgorithm() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiBarcodePro
Quality of barcode image.
getAlgorithm() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiDataMatrix
Quality of barcode image.
getAlgorithm() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiPdf417
Quality of barcode image.
getAlgorithm() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiQR
Quality of barcode image.
getAngle() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiLine
Line angle.
getAuthor() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiPdf
property Author.
getAutoDetect1D() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiBarcodeBasic
Automatically recognize barcode type.
getAutoDetect1D() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiBarcodePro
Automatically recognize 1-D barcode type.
getBarcodes() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiBarcodeBasic
property Barcodes.
getBarcodes() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiBarcodePro
Barcodes list.
getBarcodes() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiDataMatrix
property Barcodes.
getBarcodes() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiPdf417
property Barcodes.
getBarcodes() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiQR
property Barcodes.
getBitsPerPixel() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiImage
Number of bits to store each pixel.
getBottom() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiRect
The y coordinate of the lower-right corner.
getConfidence() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiBarcode
Barcode recognition confidence.
getCount() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiBarcodes
getCreationDate() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiPdf
property CreationDate.
getCreator() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiPdf
property Creator.
getCx2l(int) - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiAdvColor
property cx2l.
getCx2l(int) - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiBarcodePro
property cx2l.
getCx2l(int) - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiDataMatrix
property cx2l.
getCx2l(int) - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiImage
property cx2l.
getCx2l(int) - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiObject
property cx2l.
getCx2l(int) - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiPdf417
property cx2l.
getCx2l(int) - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiQR
property cx2l.
getCx2l(int) - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiRepair
property cx2l.
getCx2l(int) - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiTools
property cx2l.
getCx3d(int) - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiAdvColor
property cx3d.
getCx3d(int) - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiObject
property cx3d.
getCx3d(int) - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiRepair
property cx3d.
getCx3d(int) - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiTools
property cx3d.
getData() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiBarcode
Barcode value as character array.
getDiagFlags() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiBarcodePro
Barcode diagnostic flags.
getDiagFlags() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiDataMatrix
Barcode diagnostic flags.
getDiagFlags() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiPdf417
Barcode diagnostic flags.
getDiagFlags() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiQR
Barcode diagnostic flags.
getDirection() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiLine
Line direction.
getDirections() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiBarcodePro
Directions of barcodes to recognize.
getDirections() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiDataMatrix
Directions of barcodes to recognize.
getDirections() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiPdf417
Directions of barcodes to recognize.
getDirections() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiQR
Directions of barcodes to recognize.
getDpiRasterBw() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiPdf
DPI used to rasterize as BW.
getDpiRasterGs() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiPdf
DPI used to rasterize as GS.
getDpiRasterRgb() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiPdf
DPI used to rasterize as Color.
getEncoding() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiBarcode
Barcode encoding.
getEncodings() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiBarcodePro
Enable/disable barcode encoding analysis.
getEncodings() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiDataMatrix
Enable/disable barcode encoding analysis.
getEncodings() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiPdf417
Enable/disable barcode encoding analysis.
getEncodings() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiQR
Enable/disable barcode encoding analysis.
getEnd() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiLine
Line end coordinates.
getErrorFlags() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiBarcode
Barcode error flags.
getFileName() - Method in exception ClearImageJNI.CiException
getFileName() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiImage
Image file name.
getFormat() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiImage
Image file format.
getHeight() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiImage
Image height in pixels.
getHorzDpi() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiImage
Horizontal resolution in dots-per-inch.
getICiServer() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.CiServer
Retrieve the interface to ClearImage root object "ICiServer".
getImage() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiAdvColor
Image as CiImage object.
getImage() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiBarcodeBasic
Image as CiImage object.
getImage() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiBarcodePro
Image as CiImage object.
getImage() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiDataMatrix
Image as CiImage object.
getImage() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiPdf417
Image as CiImage object.
getImage() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiQR
Image as CiImage object.
getImage() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiRepair
Image as CiImage object.
getImage() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiTools
Image as CiImage object.
getInfo(String) - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiBarcode
Barcode quality.
getInfo(String) - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiImage
getInfo(EInfoType, int) - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiServer
Server Information.
getIntervals() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiObject
Intervals in object.
getIsBinary() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiBarcode
Barcode contains binary data.
getIsChecksumVerified() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiBarcode
Barcode contains verified checksum.
getIsEmpty() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiRect
Is rectangle has no area.
getIsModified() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiImage
Image was modified flag.
getIsValid() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiImage
Image is opened.
getIsZone() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiImage
Object represents a zone on another image.
getItem(int) - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiBarcodes
Barcode Item (1-based).
getJpegQuality() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiImage
Quality of Jpeg Compression 0-100.
getKeywords() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiPdf
property Keywords.
getLeft() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiRect
The x coordinate of the upper-left corner.
getLength() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiBarcode
Barcode length in characters.
getLineBytes() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiImage
Image memory line width in bytes.
getMinImageHeight() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiPdf
Minimum height of embeded images.
getMinImageWidth() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiPdf
Minimum width of embeded images.
getModDate() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiPdf
property ModDate.
getModuleSize() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiBarcode
Average width of barcode module.
getPageCount() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiImage
Number of pages in image file.
getPageNumber() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiImage
Image page number in image file.
getParent() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiImage
Object containing image memory of this object.
getPComprBitonal() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiImage
TIFF/PDF Compression to save Bitonal image.
getPComprColor() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiImage
TIFF/PDF Compression to save Color/GS image.
getPdf() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiImage
property Pdf.
getPixels() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiObject
Pixels in object.
getPLineCurvature() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiRepair
Maximum line curvature.
getPLineCurvature() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiTools
Maximum line curvature.
getPLineDirection() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiTools
Line direction(s).
getPMaxLineAngle() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiRepair
Maximum angle of line.
getPMaxLineAngle() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiTools
Maximum angle of line.
getPMaxLineGap() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiRepair
Maximum gap inside line in pixels.
getPMaxLineGap() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiTools
Maximum gap inside line in pixels.
getPMinLineLength() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiRepair
Minimum length of line in pixels.
getPMinLineLength() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiTools
Minimum length of line in pixels.
getProducer() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiPdf
property Producer.
getPScaleBmpBrightness() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiTools
Brightness of image scaled down to Windows Bitmap.
getPScaleBmpContrast() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiTools
Contrast of image scaled down to Windows Bitmap.
getPScaleBmpType() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiTools
Type of image-to-bitmap scale down.
getPScaleThreshold() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiTools
Threshold for ciScaleThreshold-type scaling.
getPScaleType() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiTools
Type of image to image scale down.
getRasterColorMode() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiPdf
Rasterize as BW, GS or Color.
getRConfidence() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiTools
Image rotation and skew confidence.
getReadMode() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiPdf
Open embeded images or rasterized pages.
getRect() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiBarcode
Barcode rectangle.
getRect() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiLine
Rectangle, encompassing line.
getRect() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiObject
Rectangle, encompassing object.
getRight() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiRect
The x coordinate of the lower-right corner.
getRootCauseThrowable() - Method in exception ClearImageJNI.CiException
getRotation() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiBarcode
Barcode Rotation.
getStart() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiLine
Line start coordinates.
getSubject() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiPdf
property Subject.
getText() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiBarcode
Barcode value as text.
getThickness() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiLine
Line thickness.
getTitle() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiPdf
property Title.
getTop() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiRect
The y coordinate of the upper-left corner.
getType() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiBarcode
Barcode type (symbology).
getType() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiBarcodeBasic
Barcode type(s) to recognize.
getType() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiBarcodePro
Barcode type(s) to recognize.
getUseMinImageColors() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiPdf
Minimize color of embeded images.
getValidateOptChecksum() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiBarcodeBasic
Enable validation of optional checksum.
getValidateOptChecksum() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiBarcodePro
Enable validation of optional checksum.
getVerMajor() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiServer
Major version number.
getVerMinor() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiServer
Minor version number.
getVerRelease() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiServer
Release number.
getVertDpi() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiImage
Vertical resolution in dots-per-inch.
getWidth() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiImage
Image width in pixels.
getX() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiPoint
The horizontal coordinate for this point.
getY() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiPoint
The vertical coordinate for this point.
getZone() - Method in class ClearImageJNI.ICiImage
Current zone coordinates.