ClearImageDLID Reader is a set COM components, one for reading the barcodes and the other for extracting data element values from scanned images of driver licenses and ID cards that follow international standards. Reading the barcodes from driver licenses presents particular challenges due to abrasion of the thick clear coating, the reflections from the surface, and often poor printing quality of these documents. Inliet has devloped special enhancement algorithms to compensate for these defects in the ClearImageDLID Readers. To achieve reliable recognition rates, we recommend that the cards be scanned at 300-600dpi in grayscale or in color mode. The ClearImageDLID Reader reads PDF417 barcode as well as 1D barcodes, such as Code 128, which often present on driver licenses and ID cards.
The PDF417 barcode values is parsed according to AAMVA specification as documented in their Personal Identification — AAMVA International Specification — DL/ID Card Design document. This specification has evolved through several revisions since 1996. Various entities initiated their barcode programs at different dates, and therefore followed different guidelines. The ClearImageDLID AAMVA Parser automatically identifies these various formats and correctly obtains the value of data elements.
The ClearImageDLID Reader can be used to obtain barcode values from other types of identification cards, such as DOD Common Access Card, International Seafarers ID cards, passports, non-AAMVA driver licenses and other national ID cards. Contact Inlite Research at to develop parser for such documents.
The ClearImageDLID Reader works in conjunction of Inlite's ClearImage COM. The rich file I/O capabilities of ClearImage support the processing of images saved as TIFF, JPEG, PDF and other formats. The ClearImage COM family includes image processing and barcode recognition products to facilitate implementation of additional DL/ID card - related functionalities. Contact Inlite Research at is you have any questions.