Use the ClearImage Example projects, installed by ClearImage SDK to start your development. Starting points are Example projects launched from Start -> Programs -> ClearImage 8 SDK -> Examples.
After clicking on one of the projects, you will be prompted to copy the project to a user-selected location. The appropriate application (for example Visual Studio) is then launched. This mechanism allows you to:
- Create multiple versions of the same Example projects
- Preserve user projects even after CleartImage SDK is uninstalled.
C# and VB.NET example projects demonstrate:
- Use of classes in ClearImage and ClearImageNet namespaces.
- Use of ClearImage for both Barcode Recognition and Image Processing.
- Use of additional features, like multi-threading, stream I/O, CleaImageNet events, file and zones processing
Not all of the API methods are demonstrated in the Example projects. Some functions that are available in the ClearImage Demo may not be demonstrated in the Examples. Use the Reference sections of this manual for complete set of available functions.
Some of typical issues encountered by developers are covered in How To... section of this manual.